Buyers' Guides

Best Drumsticks for Electronic Drums: How to Choose

Want to find the best drumsticks for electronic drums? Here’s our tips for finding the perfect pair!

Struggling to find the best drumsticks for electronic drums? Every drummer will have their own preference, but below I outline what I think is the best choice, developed over 18 years of drumming, 14 of which on eDrums alongside acoustic, and how you might find the best stick for you based on what you use on your acoustic kit.

What drumsticks should be used for electronic drums?

If you already play acoustic drums, you’re probably already familiar with the standard sizes — 7A, 5A, 5B, 2B, etc. A good starting point is to use the same size stick with your electronic kit as your acoustic kit.

However, if you usually play with a larger size like me (5B), I tend to find the weight of such a large stick enhances the extra rebound effect that mesh heads have over standard drum heads.

Fortunately, there are lighter sticks out there which feel faster in the hands with eDrums and return the rebound effect to a more realistic level. Scroll down to read about various sticks I’ve tested.

Are there electronic drumsticks?

You might find drumsticks that are marketed specifically to be used with electronic drums. There is no real reason why you need to use special sticks specifically for electronic drums – any standard stick will do, though I recommend using nylon-tipped sticks for prolonging the life of your mesh heads if your kit has these.

Maple drumsticks

Most drumsticks are made of hickory, whereas maple is less dense and therefore lighter. Personally, I prefer a lighter stick on electronic drums which helps me play quicker without the added volume of a heavier stick.

Because maple sticks are less dense than hickory, I can still use my preferred 5B size but with a lighter weight. I picked up a pair of Stixman 5b maple which fit the bill for me.

A pair of stickman 5B maple drumsticks resting on an electronic drum pad
My pair of Stixman 5B Maple sticks

Some drummers may be worried about the lower density of maple sticks meaning they are more likely to break. However, I’ve used these sticks for several years and never had a breakage – on these or any stick on my eDrums. I would say if you’re breaking sticks on an eKit, consider if there is something about your technique that is causing that.

One potential downside is the Stixman maple only come with a wood-tip, and I’ve not found any maple drumsticks on the market with nylon heads. The main downside is the wood tip tends to mark my cymbal pads which require frequent cleaning, and the risk of chipping the tips which might cause a small amount of additional wear on the mesh heads.

Otherwise, if you are after the absolute minimum weight, I can recommend maple sticks for electronic drums.

Shop for Maple drumsticks at Guitar Center or on Amazon.

Vic Firth Nova drumsticks

These are officially Vic Firth’s budget line of sticks, made from B-grade hickory. In practice, what this means is the wood isn’t quite the same as regular Vic Firth sticks, which have to meet certain criteria, including weight. The NOVA sticks are lighter and can be bought with nylon heads. Plus — they’re around half the price of the standard Vic Firths!

A pair of Nova 5B nylon-tipped drum sticks resting on an electronic drum pad
My pair of Nova 5B sticks with nylon tips

I first tried the Nova 5Bs after the Stixman 5B as I wanted a solution that would stop marking my cymbal pads. As you can see from the photo above, the opposite has happened and the pads have marked the top 3rd of the sticks after years of heavy use.

I’m a big fan of the weight of these sticks which feel like a compromise between the Maple sticks and regular Vic Firth sticks. These are my most used sticks and it’s good to see that even a budget stick can hold up over many years of use – at the time of writing I’ve used this pair for over 3 and a half years.

Buy Nova drumsticks at Guitar Center or at Amazon.

Vic Firth American Classic Sticks

If you’d prefer a premium brand stick, you can’t go wrong with the Vic Firth American Classic. These are my preferred stick for acoustic drums, but I also have a pair for practice that I use on my electronic kit and practice pad, as seen in the photo below.

A pair of Vic Firth 5B drum sticks with wood tips resting on an electronic drum pad
My pair of Vic Firth American Classic 5B sticks

Pro tip: Don’t use the same sticks you use on your acoustic drums with your electronic kit. When you use sticks with acoustic drums they’ll get chewed up and chipped. The damaged sticks can become abrasive on your electronic drum heads and cymbal pads which can damage them over time.

The American Classic 5Bs are slightly heavier than the Nova sticks and therefore require a bit more energy to play and will be ever so slightly louder due to the increased mass.

Browse Vic Firth sticks at Guitar Center or

ProMark American Hickory

The oldest pair of sticks I currently have for my electronic kit are the ProMark TX5BN with nylon-tips. These are a durable pair slightly different to a standard 5B stick with a thick shaft almost up to the tip of the stick.

A pair of Pro Mark TX5BN nylon-tipped drumsticks resting on an electronic drum pad

These sticks are heavier than the Vic Firth 5Bs, feeling pretty hefty to play with. This doesn’t suit my preferred style, as I tend to feel a bit sluggish playing with these sticks due to the extra weight. But they may be preferable to drummers who prefer a heavier feel.

I have no doubt that these are are a durable pair of sticks, due to the dense wood used, and having used them for a few years before switching to the Nova pair.

Browse ProMark drum sticks at Guitar Center or

What drumsticks are best for mesh heads?

You can use either wood-tipped or nylon-tipped drumsticks on electronic drums.

However, if your electronic drums have mesh heads, nylon tips can be a better choice. That’s because wooden tips can get chipped over time, which may marginally wear down your mesh drum heads over time. This doesn’t happen on nylon tips, helping to make your mesh drum heads last longer. But if you prefer wood-tipped sticks, it’s a good idea to check them for damage from time to time.


How long do drumsticks last when used with eDrums?

Drumsticks tend to last longer when used on electronic drums compared to acoustic drums. Features like the rubber pads and rubber rims on your electronic drums mean drumsticks are very unlikely to get chipped over time.

Personally, I have used the same pair of drumsticks on my electronic drums for over 6 years, and have never broken a stick on an electronic kit. Aside from the sticks getting darker over time from striking the rubber cymbal pads, they look almost good as new!

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By Seb Atkinson

Seb has been a drummer since 2004 and an eDrummer since 2008. He founded eDrumHub to provide information on electronic drums for other drummers who can't justify an acoustic drum kit for practice at home.